Change Log

Added March 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.

Added February 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. Added preview of YouTube video Artificial Intelligence in Project Management: AI and PM Primer.

Added January 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. Restructuring: Reading, viewing, and listening recommendations from 2024 has been added to the thematic modules for far easier reference. The 2024 updates have been archived, for access if you need them, and new 2025 update modules have been created.

Added December 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.

Added November 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. Updated the eBook, Decode the Jargon of Artificial Intelligence to v3.1 (4 Nov - 5 additional definitions)
  3. Updated the eBook, Decode the Jargon of Artificial Intelligence to v4.0 (9 Nov - 15 additional definitions). This is a BIG update for reasons you will see when you go to the Glossary page and download it.

Added October 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. Added new definitions in our Glossary lesson.

Added September 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. Updated the eBook, Decode the Jargon of Artificial Intelligence to v2.1 (1 Sep)
  3. Updated the eBook, Decode the Jargon of Artificial Intelligence to v3.0 (23 Sep)
  4. New Video: Preview of a conversation with Dev Amratia, Founder and CEO of nPlan - What Can AI Do for Project Managers?

Added August 2024

  1. Updated the Glossary
  2. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  3. New Video: Preview of a conversation with Matt Simons, CEO of AI Catalyst Partners - Transforming Business with AI: The Biggest PM Opportunity in 20 Years?

Added July 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. New Video: Bonus video describing Role Activity Diagrams (RADs) - a tool that will be helpful for charting processes ahead of AI process implementation (including RPA).

Added June 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.

Added May 2024

  1. Updating the Glossary section with links to McKinseys detailed explainer articles
  2. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.

Added April 2024

  1. New Video: A conversation with Chris Rickard, developer of Userdoc - Interview: Can AI Write Your User Requirements?
  2. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.

Added March 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. New Section: AI & PM Information Hubs

Added February 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. New section: listing the Generative AI tools I use.

Added January 2024

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. Massive Restructuring: Reading, viewing, and listening recommendations are now in a new section, 'Artificial Intelligence References: Reading, Viewing, Listening'. The information has been arranged thematically for far easier reference. The 2023 updates have been archived, for access if you need them, and new 2024 update modules have been created.
  3. New Video: Bonus video in which a friend of OnlinePMCourses, Stuart Taylor, gets a demo of AI-powered Portfolio Management software, Keto.

Added December 2023

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date. No let up in content or quality just because it's the end of the year!
  2. New Video: What is Predictive Analytics? Added 2 months ahead of publication on YouTube.
  3. New Video: How to Write Good AI Prompts: Prompt Engineering. Added 2 months ahead of publication on YouTube.

Added November 2023

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. New Video: What is the Blockchain? It's not strictly an AI topic, so I've added it as a bonus lesson.
  3. Separated viewing and listening lists into two separate lesson tabs.

Added October 2023

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. New Video: Are We Safe? - an assessment of the current state of AI.

Added September 2023

  1. Added reading, podcast, and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. Reorganized the Updates to AI Listening & Viewing List for Project Managers (2023) section to separate videos and podcasts

Added August 2023

  1. Added reading and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.

Added July 2023

  1. Added reading and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. Updated our AI Glossary, Decode the Jargon of Artificial Intelligence, to a 2nd edition. Now with over 70 definitions, plus an Acronym Decoder.
  3. New Video: How to Pivot Your Career Towards AI
  4. New Lesson: in the Resources section, I have added 'AI Tools Round-up'

Added June 2023

  1. Added reading and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.
  2. New Video: What are Robotic Process Automation and Intelligent Automation?

Added May 2023

  1. Added reading and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.

Added April 2023

  1. New Video: How can AI Transform Project Management?
  2. New Video: How to Use Machine Learning in Project Estimating, Scheduling, and Planning
  3. Article: Link to website article, How AI Knowledge will Help Your Project Management Career
  4. Added reading and video recommendations - to keep you up-to-date.

Added March 2023

  1. New video interview: Stuart Easton on predictive AI in portfolio selection (my favorite interview on AI to date - covers so much more than the title topic)
  2. Added reading recommendations - and separated core reading from updates. Now two separate lectures

Added February 2023

  1. Added reading recommendations

Added January 2023

  1. New video interview: Nicholas Dacre, on the impact of AI on the Project Management profession
  2. Added reading recommendations: from McKinsey and BCG

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